This web-page is a guide to accessing I LAND, a sound-walk by Dennis McNulty commissioned by Open Ear for the 2024 edition of the festival.


I LAND follows a route from St. Mona's Church to the Secret Beach on Sherkin Island in West Cork. It is geo-located via the Echoes app, so you need to be on Sherkin with a phone and headphones or earbuds to experience it.
Phone coverage on Sherkin can be patchy, so it's a good idea to download the app and the audio on a solid connection in advance.
The walk takes about 30 minutes from beginning to end.


I LAND makes use of the Echoes app so if you don't have it, please download it to your phone. The icon looks like this:


Once you have the Echoes app on your phone, click this link. There's a download link just to the right of the blue "STREAM WALK" button. Click on this to download the walk to your phone. Once it's downloaded, the blue button will change to "START".


Once you're at the gate of St. Mona's church on Sherkin you will need to make sure that GPS/Location is active on your phone. Click this link again. The Echoes app will open and when you press the blue "START" button, the sound-walk will begin playing.

If you haven't downloaded the walk in advance, the blue button will be labelled "STREAM WALK".
Don't forget to look as you walk.


The route map is reproduced above for reference. Click the image for a zoom-able version.

Walk down the hill from St. Mona’s. Take a left at the junction. Follow the road all the way to Sherkin North Shore. As you arrive there, take a right turn and follow the road along the back of the North Shore accommodation building toward the uninhabited house. Pass through the gap in the wall and just before you reach the house itself, veer off to the right down the track to the Secret Beach.


(in order of appearance)
Dennis McNulty
Brian Wilson
Steve Gadd
Barbara Tversky


Karl Burke, David Donohoe, David Beattie, Kate Butler, Michelle Doyle, Peter Maybury, Sarah Browne, Sean Meehan, Tim Redfern, Sarah Robinson, Billy Maxwell, Clive, Sherkin North Shore, and everyone at Open Ear.


Maeve Connolly